- DOC ID#: 3021506
- Name: Valerie Nevaeh Rose Big Leggins Bullen
- Current Status: Secure
- Last Status Change: Wednesday, October 30, 2024
- Sex: Female
- Information Current As Of: Sunday, January 12, 2025
- Secure:
- Montana Womens Prison
- 701 S 27th Street (Montana Women's Prison)
- Billings, MT 59101
- (406) 247-5100
Physical And Demographic Characteristics
- Hair Color: Brown
- Eye Color: Brown
- Height: 5 FT 5 IN
- Weight: 195 lbs
- Build: Medium
- Race: Native American
- Skin Tone: Light Brown
- L/R Handed: Right
- Year Of Birth: 1998
- Birthplace: Montana
- Citizenship: United States
- MT Resident: Y
Also Known As
Scars, Marks, Tattoos And Other Physical Conditions
Type/Description:Pierced Ears:
Pierced Nose:
Scars Arm, Left Upper
Tattoos Hand, Left: "Beautiful" and "XVII" outside of left hand.
Tattoos Hand, Left: Knife edge of hand- TRIANGLE WITH A DOT IN THE CENTER
Tattoos Hand, Left: OUTSIDE - 'BEAUTIFUL'
Tattoos Hand, Left: STAR BURST
Tattoos Knee, Right: Inner side of right knee- line work boxes and circles.
Tattoos Thigh, Right: Buffalo skull with rings on the horns next to what looks like a rib cage with a partial cross through it.
Tattoos Thigh, Right: LIF3 written in bubble bone style lettering with a 3 for the E.
Tattoos Thigh, Right: Various faces of chaos and skulls.
Tattoos Wrist, Left: "Divine" with squiggly marks above it on back side of left wrist.
Tattoos Wrist, Left: 3 Dragon Flies, stars, @ sign, Hope and semicolon.
Tattoos Wrist, Left: SEMI COLON
Tattoos Wrist, Left: Tatoo cover up. Looks like a shield laying on a plate with an "M" inside it and a line underneath the "M". There's a Capital "A" above the Shield.
Tattoos Wrist, Left: Underside of left wrist--"K" heart "M"
Tattoos Wrist, Left: Underside of left wrist--Capricorn symbol
Tattoos Wrist, Left: Underside of left wrist--Dragonfly
Tattoos Wrist, Left: the word 'Hope' on left inner wrist
Tattoos Wrist, Right: Mandal flower with mushrooms and 3 triangles inside each other. On back of right hand and wrist.
Tattoos Ankle, Left: FRONT - 'PEACE'; INSIDE - 'LOVE'
Tattoos Ankle, Right: Inner right ankle--Flower and written "Imagine" underneath the flower.
Tattoos Arm, Right: Arrow pointing down towards a crown
Tattoos Arm, Right: Looks like a half used cigar with ribbon on the side of it and a crumpled cigarette on the left side of it.
Tattoos Arm, Right: Mandala flower
Tattoos Eye, Right: 3 dots on the underside and towards the outside of the right eye.
Tattoos Finger(S), Left Hand: "Elijah" written on top of ring finger.
Tattoos Finger(S), Left Hand: HEART, 3 DOTS ON MIDDLE FINGER, STAR
Tattoos Forearm, Left: "It's About Love" with hearts and starts.
Tattoos Forearm, Right: Bear foot print with claws, a date 08-13-2011. 3 sets of two diamonds stacked on top of each other with lines going a cross behind them.
Tattoos Forearm, Right: Lower outside portion of right forearm has mandala flower with wagon wheels around it and squares outlines.
Tattoos Forearm, Right: Sunshine with rays that extend out.
Tattoos Forearm, Right: Unfinished sunshine on underside of right forearm.
Tattoos Arm, Left: Outline of mountains and sunrise. underside of forearm.
Tattoos Finger(S), Right Hand: Line drawn on fingers with diamonds.
Tattoos Finger(S), Right Hand: Middle Finger- HEART
Tattoos Finger(S), Right Hand: Ring Finger- CROSS
Tattoos Hand, Right: SEMI COLON
Legal Record
- Docket: DC-2016-612
- County: Missoula
- Judge: Christopher
- Counts: 1
- Legal Type: Probation Violation Sentence
- Sentence Type: DOC Commit All Suspended
- Offense: Sexual Assault
- Code: 455502
- Offense Date: 10/1/2015
- Sentence Pronounced: 4/25/2023
- Sentence (Months): 24