- DOC ID#: 3024803
- Name: Scott Schleicher
- Current Status: Probation
- Last Status Change: Wednesday, November 30, 2022
- Gender: Male
- Information Current As Of: Monday, January 2, 2023
- Probation:
- Polson Probation And Parole
- 36235 Kerr Dam Road
- Polson, MT 59860
- (406) 883-4629
Physical And Demographic Characteristics
- Hair Color: Brown
- Eye Color: Blue
- Height: 5 FT 10 IN
- Weight: 190 lbs
- Build: Stocky
- Race: White
- Skin Tone: Medium
- L/R Handed: Both
- Year Of Birth: 1987
- Birthplace: Montana
- Citizenship: United States
- MT Resident: Y
Also Known As
Scott David Schleicher
Scars, Marks, Tattoos And Other Physical Conditions
Type/Description:Pierced Tongue:
Scars Abdomen
Tattoos Shoulder, Left: SKULL
Tattoos Arm, Left Upper: Skull "406" with 5 point crown
Pierced Lip, Nonspecific:
Pierced Ears:
Tattoos Chest: L SIDE-"DRAKE"
Tattoos Back: "BC BOYS"
Tattoos Hand, Left: Dots on knuckles; Diamond on pointer finger; "My Life" in between pointer and thumb
Tattoos Leg, Left: Montana state; "CGR"; various brands
Tattoos Shoulder, Right: "BS" underlined
Tattoos Thigh, Left: "LMT"
Tattoos Wrist, Left: "Faith"
Legal Record
- Docket: DC17-111
- County: Park
- Judge: Gilbert
- Counts: 1
- Legal Type: Original Sentence
- Sentence Type: MSP/MWP All Suspended
- Offense: Criminal Distribution of Dangerous Drugs
- Code: 459101
- Offense Date: 4/19/2016
- Sentence Pronounced: 12/10/2018
- Sentence (Months): 12
- Docket: DC17-111
- County: Park
- Judge: Gilbert
- Counts: 1
- Legal Type: Original Sentence
- Sentence Type: DOC Commit Partial Suspended
- Offense: Burglary
- Code: 456204
- Offense Date: 3/28/2016
- Sentence Pronounced: 12/10/2018
- Sentence (Months): 60