- DOC ID#: 3033523
- Name: Donnalynn Shanell Russell
- Current Status: Secure
- Last Status Change: Wednesday, April 19, 2023
- Gender: Female
- Information Current As Of: Monday, August 28, 2023
- Secure:
- Montana Womens Prison
- 701 South 27th Street
- Billings, MT 59101
- (406) 247-5100
Physical And Demographic Characteristics
- Hair Color: Brown
- Eye Color: Brown
- Height: 5 FT 4 IN
- Weight: 180 lbs
- Build: Stocky
- Race: Native American
- Skin Tone: Light
- L/R Handed: Right
- Year Of Birth: 1989
- Birthplace: Montana
- Citizenship: United States
- MT Resident: Y
Also Known As
Donna Lynn Two Bulls, Donnalynn TwoBulls
Scars, Marks, Tattoos And Other Physical Conditions
Type/Description:Pierced Lip, Upper:
Pierced Ears:
Pierced Tongue:
Pierced Lip, Lower:
Scars Chin
Scars Knee, Right
Scars Lip, Upper
Tattoos Shoulder, Left: "PMF" with red colored stars
Tattoos Arm, Left Upper: Sunburst with clouds--"KYAMANI KAYNE"
Tattoos Arm, Left Upper: Back of the arm-Above the elbow--- Heart with heartbeat symbol--"UNTIL I SEE YOU AGAIN"
Tattoos Arm, Left Upper: Baby Angel--"QUR'AM"
Tattoos Chest: Upper chest--"LOYALTY IS EVERYTHING"-- Cursive writing--.38 pistol on middle left chest over breast
Tattoos Hand, Left: Top of left hand--Tribal butterfly--Tribal bee
Tattoos Leg, Right: Upper top of right leg--Rose with butterfly, human heart with a crown, stars, and diamonds
Pierced Ear, Right:
Glasses (Prescription):
Tattoos Neck: Right side of neck--"BABYSON"-- Beginning of word being covered up
Tattoos Finger(S), Right Hand: Across top of knuckles closest to the hand--"B" on pinkie finger--"O" on ring finger--"S" on middle finger--"S" on little finger--Faint
Tattoos Arm, Left: Inner left arm down to the wrist--Arabic writing
Tattoos Neck: Back of neck--"TY"
Tattoos Shoulder, Right: Top of the shoulder--Winnie the Pooh--Yellow coloring
Tattoos Thigh, Right: Front of right upper thigh--"I AM QUEEN"--Rose-Butterfly-Human heart with crown-Stars-Diamonds
Tattoos Wrist, Left: Top of left wrist--Heart towards the outside
Tattoos Wrist, Right: Underside of right wrist--"23"
Tattoos Ankle, Left: Inner left ankle--Nautical star with tribal flame--Red coloring of star
Tattoos Arm, Right: Lower right underside of arm--Triangle with Skull and three red roses
Tattoos Calf, Right: Outside of right calf--"R.I.P. JAMES"
Tattoos Elbow, Left: Underside of left elbow--Crescent moon with sheens
Tattoos Eye, Left: Above left eye--"SAVAGE" with a star
Tattoos Face, Nonspecific: Right side temple--Monarch butterfly with swirls and stars
Tattoos Finger(S), Left Hand: Across top of knuckles nearest the hand--Pointer finger-"L"-Middle finger-"A"--Pointer finger-"D"--Pinkie finger-"I"--CURSIVE WRITING
Tattoos Arm, Left: Top of left forearm--Hummingbird with treble clef
Tattoos Arm, Left: Inner left forearm--Morningstar
Legal Record
- Docket: DC 22-0740
- County: Yellowstone
- Judge: Knisely
- Counts: 1
- Legal Type: Original Sentence
- Sentence Type: MSP/MWP None Suspended
- Offense: Robbery
- Code: 455401
- Offense Date: 6/21/2022
- Sentence Pronounced: 12/8/2022
- Sentence (Months): 120
- Docket: DC 22-0740
- County: Yellowstone
- Judge: Knisely
- Counts: 1
- Legal Type: Original Sentence
- Sentence Type: MSP/MWP None Suspended
- Offense: Assault with a Weapon
- Code: 455213
- Offense Date: 6/21/2022
- Sentence Pronounced: 12/8/2022
- Sentence (Months): 120